Our client “Derrick” was the subject of a Los Angeles Police Department Sex Crimes unit investigation for suspicion of felony Sexual Battery (California Penal Code section 243.4(a)).
By the time Derrick hired us, the detectives not only had already forwarded the matter to the District Attorney for prosecution, but actually arrested Derrick. As a result, he was facing 48 months in a California penitentiary.
We immediately went to work with our private investigator and thereby were able to collect substantial evidence proving the Derrick’s innocence. We then took this package and met with the detective, who, after reviewing the evidence, agreed that the matter should never have been forwarded for prosecution. In fact, the detective even called the prosecutor had told him that he (the detective) had made a mistake and believed Derrick should not have been arrested.
Result: The prosecutor agreed with the detective after reviewing our evidence and dropped the charges.